27 November 2008

Wisdom Reads Books- Lots of 'Em!

Have you heard of this subscription service, Solomon Summaries?

I'm a homeschool mom. I have a full-time job educating my children. I'm also a "regular" mom. Which means I have a full-time job keeping up with laundry, lunches, new shoes, dance recitals, and tooth brushing. Full-time job, times two.

Free time for me to read is next-to-nothing.
Free time for me to select quality books to read on topics I'm interested in is next to next-to-nothing. It just doesn't exist in my universe these days.

Then along comes Solomon Summaries and offers me an opportunity to read a summary of the many books I've thought, "Someday when my kids are brushing their own teeth, I'd like to see what that book is like. And that one. And that one too. Oooooh, THAT one sounds good, add it to the list!" (Can you see I have a problem on my hands? I like to read a lot of books but I have pesky Teske teeth to brush.)
Now I can read the 8-10 page summary and decide if a particular title can stay on my post-tooth-brushing-era list, or if it's mandatory that I drop all toothbrushes and get that book on my bedside table ASAP.

A couple of books I'm keen to read are, The Sacred Echo and The Organic God, both by Margaret Feinberg.
Fancy that, Solomon Summaries has written about both of them! (Did you know I was going to say that?)

Solomon Summaries christian book summaries

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24 November 2008

Confessions of a Contemplative- An Invitation

It seems to happen every year. I start the Holiday season with high hopes of cutting back, trimming the calendar, spending the bulk of our time cozied up at home as a family, inhabiting the season in a worshipful and reflective fashion. Some December days are actually that- worshipful, reflective, homey, cozy.
But then there are other days when I think I’m my own worst enemy. I get my heart set on finding the perfect gift for my kids (and shopping for it for 8+ hours on-line!), or operating an elaborate Christmas cookie factory in my kitchen, or I simply get wound up in the dinner-dishes-out-the-door-to-Girl-Scouts-before-we’re-late routine.

December pushes and pulls me. I feel the need to push and pull too.
I’m looking for a way of stepping back and soaking in the ways Christ’s gift of Himself affects me.

I’d like to invite you to join me in setting aside the gingerbread men to gaze transfixed into our Savior’s infant eyes. SoulPerSuit is hosting a Christmas reflection group.
This SPS group is not intended to tax your already-packed holiday calendar. We offer it to you as an aid to pulling back from the quickened pace December takes… to breathe… to gaze… to ponder… to wonder as you wander.

To make your holidays holy days.

This season, I'm all about simple, focused worship. I think this SoulPerSuit Contemplative Christmas group is just that. And I'd love for you to join us. Details are on SoulPerBlog.

Never done a SoulPerSuit group before? Wonder what it's all about? Click here. Or here.

SPS logo

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Tales from the Backseat

Today, my middle daughter and I spied a half-finished office building beside the highway. It had no walls on any of it's three floors so we could see right through to the trees on the other side. Bright and naked light bulbs shimmered in the evening sleet.
Middle daughter asked why they still had all the lights on when no one was there working and I explained the need for security at work sites. Building materials left out in the open are very tempting to someone constructing a building of their own so the company probably leaves the lights shining so people like us can drive by and see if someone is swiping a bunch of 2 X 4s. It deters theft to leave the lights on. Light dispels darkness and dark deeds.

Imagination engaged, she then wove me a detailed scenario of how she would go about stealing the building supplies. She'd knock out all the lights (and any security cameras they might have installed), sneak tools and supplies down a secret hatch, then once she'd taken enough she'd rappel out of an enclosed room using rope she found on the site... I'd have thought she taken notes on the movie, Oceans 11, the way she was describing it.

Dismayed at my daughter's future life of crime, I tried a sideways approach to dissuade her- "Wow, Honey, it sounds to me like you have it all planned out. I 'm beginning to think you've been planning to heist some building supplies for a long time."

Her response: "Naw. I don't build."


13 November 2008

Hello Again, Goodbye Again

My first footsteps in this place were care of you
Your special hidey-holes, your favorite vistas
The undulating curve of shoreline
Sheer rock face jutting up towards infinity
And down to who-knows-where

You held them out to anyone inclined to interest
Accepting your excited joy
Those who cared enough to gut it out
And I was, indeed, impressed and touched

We bring you back in bits and pieces now
Scattering on the sand and breeze
In your hidey-holes and favorite vistas

Sheer rock face weeping infinite tears
They seem to know you're here
Seem to weep for their loss
Weeping in welcome
They are glad to see you again
Glad you won't be leaving again

And down to the depths of who-knows where
Scary to think where these little things settle
A mysterious landscape beneath lapping waves of light
Secrets held forever in darkness that does not breathe

This one who looks so much like you
His undulating curves of shoreline
The hidey-holes of his heart
Weep for you like the jutting cliffs
And depths that settle who-knows-where

He comes back here, gutting it out
Scattering bits and pieces of himself on the sand and breeze
Saying hello again
Saying goodbye again

His first footsteps here were care of you
And I am, indeed, impressed and touched

:From one year ago:


02 November 2008

Young Encouragers

You are going to, aren't you?


01 November 2008

Trading Pit

Well, the American economy may be tanking but the Trick-Or-Treat Candy Trade is doing brisk business on my front porch today.
