23 July 2009

Stir Constantly Until Well-Blended

Sometimes you sit at the dining room table amidst the crumbs
And crack open the stack of cookbooks
You flip through the pages containing hearty fixin's, low-cal dinners, all-around crowd pleasers
One dish casseroles.

You scan photos for teasers of yummy things to come
Glossy 5X7s of the holiday roast in all its glory, the batch of cookies ready to surprise your neighbor with grace
Hand-drawn illustrations to lead you through the process
Just so.

You dream and conjure, read and imagine, visualize your shopping list
While you sip your coffee- Elbows pressing table top crumbs
Scratching down ideas
Boning up on your kitchen smarts

Sometimes you sit at the dining room table amidst an open stack of cookbooks
But sometime you have to walk into the kitchen
And cook.

21 July 2009

Field Trip- Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Recommendations for an excellent field trip:

Discover God's delightful artistry

Make some artistry of your own, Mexican style

Enjoy the people you love

Play quietly, contentedly and contemplatively with found objects

Cut loose, just a little bit

Go for a walk, a jog, a hike, a stroll- as many times as possible

Buy a small momento

Read a book... take a nap

Swim, swim, swim, and swim some more

Read another book... take another nap

Surrender to the beauty

Embrace the gifts you've been given
