05 December 2008

Contemplative KIDS Christmas I- Barn Smells

Hi! This is Ellie & Rebekah.
We want to tell about a little thing we did.
We, our family did a little thing together,
starting with some cookies....

Okay, we've got to tell you....
We were pretending that the cookies were manure!!!!
And then we played with the PLAY MOBILE nativity set.
We pretended that it was the very 1st Christmas.

I bet the cattle likes the food!!!!

Ellie says:"What about the donkey????!!!
Doesn't he like it too???!!!"
We hope you like our blog!!
Hi! This is Rebekah!
I want to tell you about another part of our project.
My mom & I went to a stable to document all the smells there.
What it smells like to me is homey & comfterble.
Like hay & horses, & like leather.
Jesus was born in a stable and a stable is like a barn. Stables smell bad. They have lots of animals and their droppings. I think that Jesus was really, really humble to go and be born in a stable with all the droppings. It represents that he wanted to come as a humble child.
If he had been born in a hospital or a house, people would think he was more honorable. But he wanted to come and be humble for us because if you are born in a stable people wouldn't think of you as very mighty. - Ellie
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By Anna,
who really likes to hear the keyboard clicking away

No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
(featured at the nether-ends of our nativity animals above, but if you find that gratuitous you can just put them on a festive plate)

2 cups sugar
¼ cup cocoa
1 stick butter
½ cup milk
½ cup peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups oatmeal

Bring sugar, cocoa, peanut butter and milk to rolling boil. Take it off the heat and add the 3 other ingredients. Stir well. Drop by spoonfuls on waxed paper to harden.

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Blogger rhon said...

These cookies are MyGeek's specialty. Their use in your illustration could never ruin them for me. De-lish. Thanks for the 3D illustrations!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the cookies smelled better than the stable!
For me, thinking about the smells reminds me of the humanness of it all--the messiness of Christ's coming and the beauty in that messiness.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

Your cookies look terrific! They used to be some of my favorites when I was a kiddo. They used to make them in the school cafeteria and sell them with out lunches. It was always special when the cookies were warm and ready for us to eat. Mmmmm....

3:43 PM  
Blogger greta lynn hernandez said...

Rebekah--I love your comment! There is something comfortable about a barn, isn't there? Maybe that's why He chose to arrive there!

Ellie--simply beautiful! I hope that my little Elizabeth is as wise as you one day!

Anna--I love the sound the keys make, too! It's almost like music!

3:59 PM  
Blogger L.L. Barkat said...

Anna's made me laugh. Ellie's made me pause. Rebekah's made me want to go read poetry. And all together, I just smiled at the sweet offerings. : )

9:37 PM  

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